Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Taking one step at a time

I am back from my pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey.  It has taken me a few days to recover from the jet lag but it has also taken me a few days to process the places and feelings I have experienced.  So, how do I share all that is in my heart and mind?  I start with a miracle.

Four and half weeks before leaving on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure I was on crutches.  It was a minor, hairline fracture that I had dealt with for two months.  I had hiked around Honduras with it broken on a mission trip in February.  I had never been in a cast before so I just thought I would start walking again and everything would be fine.  I didn't realize how much calf muscles atrophy in three weeks.  Needless to say, my foot was no longer broken but I was in worse pain than I was before.  I started physical therapy three times a week plus worked hard myself on off days.  I walked around my neighborhood to try to build up my stamina but I was slow and it was painful.  The pain in my left foot caused me to limp which caused an old case of bursitis in my right hip to flare up.  I am not typically a worrier but I was worried that I would have to cancel my trip to Greece.  Everyone told me it would be fine but I knew how I felt and it wasn't good.  People were praying for me but time was running out for a miracle.  While reading my devotional one day during the week prior to leaving, I was reminded that God goes before us AND He goes with us.  He already knew the steps I would have to take on this trip and He promised me He would be there with me every step of the way.  My physical therapist warned me about swelling in a country where ice is not readily available.  My orthopedic doctor threatened to put me back in a cast if I over did it.  My mantra would be "One step at a time."  I didn't have to know how it would work out so I bought sturdy hiking shoes, strapped on my brace and took off.

We flew into Thessaloniki and drove by bus to the port of Kavala where the apostle Paul first stepped onto European soil.  From there we drove north to the ancient town of Philippi.  Our first stop was at the river where Lydia, the first Christian convert in Europe was baptized by the apostle Paul.  It was a moving experience to be anointed with water from the same river.

Our leader, Dr Kimberly Majeski, encouraged us to take a few moments alone to pray and contemplate this special place.  I went over and sat down at the river's edge and just thanked God that I was there.  I had made it.  God honored my taking that first step in faith.  The worry left me right there at that river.

Me with brace at statue of the apostle Paul in Berea

I walked slowly and carefully with my sensible shoes and clunky brace but I walked those cobblestones in Berea.  I climbed over ancient ruins at Philippi.  I went up and down steps at Meteora.  I hiked up to the hillside temple at Delphi.  I strolled down the marble sidewalk in Ephesus.  I navigated the path at Corinth.  We walked 3 to 5 miles a day on rough terrain but the pain was manageable and there was no swelling.

Me holding on to my sister, Linda, in Berea

Being able to walk on the ancient surfaces that had been walked by the apostle Paul, the apostle John and even Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a divine treat.  Being in the places where scripture was not only written but lived out was mind-blowing to this 21st century American.

I did give in to my temporary "disability" at Meteora where they built monasteries on the top of huge rocks.  A few of us opted out of the 300 step climb to the top to tour the monastery.  You will notice we wore skirts that day because women are not allowed into the monastery in pants.

Steps at monastery in Meteora

Linda waiting for me to come back down at Delphi

How could I have missed this marvelous adventure?  I know it was only by the grace of God that I was able to do the things I did.  While at the theater ruins at Ephesus, Sarah, the singer in our midst, stood and sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness."  We were spellbound as her beautiful voice rang out over those 25,000 seats.  When she finished, a visitor from another tour began singing the same hymn except in Japanese.  Our tour guide tried to hurry us along but we all sat there weeping.  What are the odds of that happening?  We all needed a moment.  Yes, great is Thy faithfulness, moment by moment, one step at a time.

Navigating rugged path in Corinth
Marble sidewalk in Ephesus

My New Style

On my birthday last year, I decided to stop coloring my hair.  I was 63.  Some people say that is too young but I had told my family I was ...