While preparing the disciples for His death, Jesus tried to
comfort them by telling them He had to go away but they knew the way to the
place where He was going. The Apostle
Thomas said to Jesus, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we
know the way?” (John 14:1-7)
Do you ever feel like Thomas? Lord, I don’t know which way to go. Life gets so confusing. There are decisions to make but no answer
seems right or, even worse, no answer seems wrong. It would be so much easier if someone would
just tell me the way to go.
In my sales job, I frequently have to drive to unknown
locations. I pack the car with everything
I need for the appointment and make sure the tank is full of gas. I punch the address into my GPS and I take off
following the woman’s voice blindly. “Follow
I-40 East for 56 miles,” she says. I
never check to see if she is taking me the right direction; I sit back and
drive. I listen to the radio, relaxing and
enjoying the scenery. Sometimes I even
have a snack as I am driving down unfamiliar roads. The voice directs, “Right turn in 1.2
miles.” OK, no problem. I am confident that she will take me to my
destination because she always has before.
“You have reached your destination,” the pleasant woman’s voice says. “Thank you,” I say.
Many times while studying the story of Moses leading the
Israelites out of Egypt I have wondered why they didn't just follow God’s
leading. They could have made the trip
to the Promised Land in about two weeks and saved themselves all that
heartache. It has occurred to me recently
that I may be guilty of the same behavior.
I, too, get distracted by personal needs and wants. I worry that things won’t turn out the way I
want them to. I am focused on busyness
instead of listening for His voice.
Why can’t I be as confident that Jesus is leading me on the
right path as I am of the soothing voice of the GPS? My Lord is probably saying, “What is wrong
with her? She is wondering around just
like those Israelites in the desert.
Doesn't she know that I know the way?
Hey, Wanda, relax. Listen to my voice
and I will get you to your destination. You
know I AM the Way.”