Monday, April 1, 2013

April Photo A Day - play

My friend posted about doing a photo a day for every day in April.  She included a list of what each day's picture is to be about.  Today's picture is for "play."  Now, just seeing the word "play" evokes some strange thoughts for me.  Such as lazy.  You see my parents didn't "play."  I don't think anyone from the Greatest Generation did.  They had to work to survive the Great Depression and WWII.  My father's sports were fishing and watching NASCAR.  When you want to know why I never learned to throw a ball, that's it.  Did my mom ever play?  Do you call sewing or crocheting play?

It seems that when I think about my parents and play all I can come up with are activities where they produced something that could either be used to feed or clothe the family.  Maybe that is why I have such a hard time with play myself.  My sister, brother and I have discussed the word "lazy" on many occasions.  I consider many of the games adults play and take very seriously as a waste of time.

I do have some hobbies -- writing, photography, geneology, yoga.  I guess you would consider those things play.  I go to yoga class once a week on Mondays.  So, it was appropriate that for the word "play" I look a picture of my yoga mat.  So relaxing, so good for my body, mind and spirit.  Good play.  To honor the word of the day, I think I will go spend a few minutes on my new favorite form of play, a video game called Candy Crush.  It is a total, absolute waste of good time.

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